The degree of our preparation will be equal to the extent of our obedience, which will determine the measure of our peace of mind. "Neil H. Leash"

Welcome to the beginning of the Jenks Ward Preparedness Blog. Our goal is to help all of those that have a desire to focus on becoming more self sufficent. This blog will contain information that will assist you in getting your houses in order. The content on this page will be updated weekly with new information to assist you as you begin the process of preparing. Remember, "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear".

Tips for Using Wheat Flour

When starting to cook with wheat flour try some of these tips!

*Use it in recipes your family already likes, your family favorites!
*Try using it in your dessert recipes first, who can resist desserts!
*Start by mixing your wheat flour 50/50 with white flour in your recipes. This will be a
huge hit it yields excellent results
*1 Cup of Whole wheat flour minus 2 Tablespoons = 1 cup white flour
(I usually only do this with quick breads and cake mixes when mixing 100% Wheat)
* As you are baking with whole wheat or even half wheat watch your food closely because it will look brown and done sometimes before it is really done! It is a learning curve. The more you cook with it the more familiar you will become with the new color of done!